Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Prophet 2008 (astrology Software)


Vedic Astrology Software – Horoscope, Marriage Compatibility

Prophet 2008 (astrology Software) Rs

What you can get from this amazing astrology software PROPHET2008?

HOROSCOPE: Detailed horoscope (Kundali) of any person born anywhere in the world can be viewed or printed just by entering date, time and place of birth . The Horoscope will have the details of JanmaNakshatra (birth star), Vara, Tithi, Karana, Nithyayoga, Ayanamsa, Obliquity, Sidereal Time (NakshatraHora), Bhogya Dasa equivalent date of birth in Malayalam (KollaVarsham) Era, Longitudes (spashta) of Lagna (Ascendant), Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Rahu, Ketu, Mandi (Gulikan) in Sayana and Nirayana forms, Bhava starting, madhya and ending points (Bhava Spashta). Bahava chart, Kshetra, Hora, Drekkona, Sapthamsa, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Dwadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Trimsamsa charts apart from tables of Ashtakvarga and Saptavargas are also given.

PREDICTIONS: Prediions are based on Lagna and planetary positions in Rasicharts, Vimsottari Mahadasa, Antardasas and Panchanga. The predictive part also include Gochara (Transit) results for 7½ year Saturn (Sade sathi) Kantaka Sani (Ardhashtama Sani) and Ashtama Saturn periods. These predictions are based on the authentic Sanskrit texts in Astrology viz, Brihat Jataka by Sage Varaha Mihira, Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra by Sage Parashara, Phaladeepika by Mantreswara, Saravali by Kalyana Varma and texts by Dr. B.V.Raman. All this can be printed in 23 pages (A4) or in 47 pages (A5).

ADDITIONAL FEATURES: Yearly or monthly dates of forthcoming birthdays can be computed based on Janma Nakshatra (birth star). In addition to this there is also a provision to convert Malayalam Era dates, nazhika and vinazhika (ghati and vigahtis) into Gregarine dates, hours and minutes and vice versa. Option for BV Raman’s or NC Lahari’s ayanamsa is also available. We have a unique provision to add and modify personalized predictions for the use of professional Astrologers in Malayalam language.

MARRIAGE COMPATIBILITY: From the date, time and place of birth of the bride and bridegroom the ten poruthams (Kutas) based on birth star, papasamyam (From Lagna (Ascendant), Moon and Venus), Chovvadosham (Kujadosham or Mangal dosha) Dasa Sandhi Dosham (dasa overlap) and Sama Dasa Dosham (identical dasa) can be examined in detail. For comparing papasamya numerical values are given to have a better idea and these numerical values can be ascertained either based on Rasi or Bhava positions.

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